
Study Suggests Routine Fasting May Affect Heart Health

Submitted on May 31, 2011 - 6:45pm

Research by doctors and scientists at the Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City, UT revealed metabolic changes during fasting that could be linked to better health. The most recent study confirmed their finding from an earlier study that was published in the October 2008 Journal of Cardiology. The original study found a correlation between the fasting behavior of members of the Latter Day Saints church and reduced risk of Coronary Artery Disease.  The study says,

"[The fact that LDS do not smoke and exercise regularly] allows for the possibility that fasting may simply be the best surrogate for a cluster of low-risk behaviors, including unmeasured factors. However, fasting behavior was reported by some with religious preferences other than LDS, and in these subjects, an association of large effect size was found (77% lower risk of CAD). This suggested that the observed benefit arose from fasting and not from a cluster of religion-associated behaviors. In addition, it was unlikely that the other behaviors (at least the measured ones) accounted for the fasting benefit because they were all eliminated when statistical modeling included them with fasting."

The most recent study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal (at least that I have found), but several news sources picked up the press release from the Intermountain Medical Center. According to the press release:

"Unlike the earlier research by the team, this new research recorded reactions in the body's biological mechanisms during the fasting period. The participants' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, the 'bad' cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, the 'good' cholesterol) both increased (by 14 percent and 6 percent, respectively) raising their total cholesterol and catching the researchers by surprise. ... This recent study also confirmed earlier findings about the effects of fasting on human growth hormone (HGH), a metabolic protein. HGH works to protect lean muscle and metabolic balance, a response triggered and accelerated by fasting. During the 24-hour fasting periods, HGH increased an average of 1,300 percent in women, and nearly 2,000 percent in men."

The results of these studies is no surprise. At TrueNorth we've fasted thousands of people over the past many years, and heart disease is one condition that consistently responds to a fasting protocol. For more information about the research on fasting that we've done, click here.


Water Diet Experience

Submitted on May 16, 2011 - 2:07pm

Vesanto Melina, co-author of Becoming Vegan and Becoming Raw, recently visited TrueNorth Health Center.  She wrote about her experience for the Canadian magazine, Common Ground.  You can read about her experience here.

Time and time again, we see patients at TrueNorth recover from grave illnesses or brush up on healthy lifestyle habits. If you're considering a fast, fill out our health questionnaire, then give Dr. Goldhamer a call at 707-586-5555 for a free consultation.

The Cover Story

Submitted on June 20, 2010 - 3:19pm

This month's cover story in Dynamic Chiropractic on "Chiropractors Managing Chronic Hypertension" featured TrueNorth Health Center. Dr. Alex Vasquez writes, "Most chiropractors are probably unaware that the most effective nutritional treatment for chronic hypertension has been researched and documented by Dr. Alan Goldhamer."  He goes on to summarize the results of our research on fasting. You can read the full article here.

Fast Track to Health

Submitted on June 20, 2010 - 2:30pm

Reprinted with permission from Dr. Julian Whitaker's Health & Healing newsletter copyright Healthy Directions, LLC. To subscribe, visit

For the last 35 years, I've advocated a low-fat, high-fiber diet; exercise; and targeted nutritional supplements as the foundation of optimal health. For most of those years, I followed my own advice. My diet was pretty good, and I was very active, running marathons, riding a bicycle across the country, and playing tennis, squash, and racquetball.

But I fell off the wagon. Over the past decade, I've allowed salt, sugar, and fat-laden processed foods to sneak into my diet. If I'd just done what I tell my patients to do, this story would never have needed to be told. But I drifted away and paid the price. I was 40 pounds overweight, had high blood pressure and poor exercise tolerance, and was aging rapidly.

It was time for America's Wellness Doctor to get well. So I decided to do just that; I decided to fast.

My Visit to a "Fasting Farm"

My wife and I checked into TrueNorth Health, a facility in Santa Rosa, CA, that has treated thousands of patients with hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases using fasting as a primary therapy. For five of the seven days we were there, we drank lots of water, went to lectures, and read and slept a lot, but we had nothing to eat.

We'd been warned that the first two days of fasting would be the hardest, and indeed they were. Both Connie and I were irritable, grumpy, and uncomfortable. It wasn't really hunger that we were experiencing. It was more like the symptoms of withdrawal, which, as it turns out, is exactly what happens when you fast.

After two days, right on schedule, we felt much better. We were no longer anxious or ill-tempered, we slept well, and, incredibly, we weren't hungry. It was amazing that after three or four days of not eating, we could walk by a bakery filled with cupcakes, fruit tarts, and brownies and not even be tempted. We actually contemplated fasting for an additional three days because, at that point, it would have been easy.

Upon the completion of our fast, we eased back into eating, starting with juices. Then we gradually incorporated natural, organic, unprocessed foods low in fat, salt, sugar, and additives; a diet similar to what we recommend at Whitaker Wellness, except entirely vegan. (At the clinic we use modest amounts of low-fat animal protein.)

Fasting Yields Rapid Results

During our seven-day program, Connie lost eight pounds. (She didn't have much to lose in the first place and was there primarily to support me.) I lost 21 pounds. Most of it, of course, was excess salt and fluids; you simply can't lose that much fat in such a short a period of time.

Nevertheless, it had a huge effect on my health, appearance, and sense of well-being. My blood pressure dramatically declined. My blood sugar, which had been in the high-normal range, was lower; my cholesterol and triglycerides improved; and my energy returned. On a treadmill exercise stress test back at Whitaker Wellness, I performed as well as a healthy 30-year-old.

How is this possible? How could I have had such dramatic improvements in just a week?

The Scientific Basis of Fasting

Fasting has a number of unique attributes that no other therapy provides. It rapidly rids the body of excess sodium and fluids, which eliminates edema and lowers blood pressure. It promotes weight loss; water weight initially, but also fat loss; and it facilitates detoxification, mobilizing and eliminating toxins.

Fasting also gives the gut a break and allows it to repair itself, which often leads to improvements not only in digestive complaints, but in allergy symptoms and autoimmune disorders as well. It increases insulin sensitivity, which lowers blood sugar and eliminates virtually all aspects of metabolic syndrome. In short, fasting seems to reset your metabolism and break disease cycles, much like rebooting your computer.

Most importantly, improvements are maintained after the fast ends. Alan Goldhamer, DC, founder and director of TrueNorth, and the medical doctors who work with him have published two studies detailing fasting's effects on hypertension. In one of these studies, they followed 174 patients who came to TrueNorth with blood pressure in excess of 140/90. After undergoing a fasting regimen, 90 percent of these patients achieved normal blood pressure (the average reduction was 37/13 mm Hg), and all of them who had been on antihypertensive medications were able to get off their drugs. Moreover, the mean blood pressure of patients who were tracked for an average of 27 weeks after leaving the clinic was a perfectly healthy 123/77.

Fasting's effects on diabetes are enduring as well. John K. Davidson, MD, PhD, a retired professor at Emory University School of Medicine and founding director of the diabetes unit at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, describes in his popular textbook the use of seven-day fasts as initial treatment for obese patients with type 2 diabetes.

In addition to rapid and predictable improvements in blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight during the fast, Dr. Davidson reports that patients easily transitioned to low- to moderate-calorie diets. And, over five to seven months, they gradually achieved both their ideal weight and control over their blood sugar level without the use of insulin or other drugs.

The Pleasure Trap

What I find almost as remarkable as the health benefits of fasting is how it altered my food preferences. Prior to my fast, I knew I needed to clean up my diet, but, as I said, over the past decade I hadn't. Since my short fast, however, that has changed. I now find that highly processed, fatty, sugary, salty foods just don't appeal to me, and sticking with a good diet is not only easier, but, get this, more enjoyable.

According to Dr. Goldhamer, my experience is not unique. Fasting helps your taste buds adapt to lower salt, sugar, and fat intake. This process, which he calls "neuroadaptation," facilitates the adoption of a health-promoting diet. It also helps you escape your addiction to these unhealthy foods.

In his book The Pleasure Trap, co-written by Douglas Lisle, PhD, Dr. Goldhamer makes a convincing argument that many of the foods that contribute to our health problems create a physiological response similar to that of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other addictive substances. These foods are pleasurable to eat; so pleasurable that we become addicted.

Think about all the people who are 40 or 50 pounds overweight, disgusted with the way they look, and suffering with diabetes and the many obesity-related diseases that are ripping through our culture. They know their current habits are contributing to their ill health and leading them toward an untimely death. Yet they cannot or will not change their diet. They're caught in the pleasure trap of food addiction, and the quickest way of breaking it is fasting.

Our Genetic Programming

Dr. Goldhamer also discusses the hardwired physiological forces that drive hunger, satiety, and food preferences. Have you ever seen an obese animal in the wild? Just imagine the spectacle of squirrels in your backyard, most of them with potbellies and puffy cheeks and many so fat they can't even climb trees. It just doesn't happen, even though they have all the food they can eat.

Are squirrels and other animals in their natural environment better disciplined or more expert at counting calories than you? Of course they aren't. Their caloric intake and energy expenditure are instinctively dictated. Humans have similar, inborn mechanisms governing food intake, and they, too, work like a charm; provided we eat the foods we were designed to eat. And therein lies the problem.

Our genetic programming evolved in the milieu of a natural, primarily plant-based, high-fiber diet. For more than 20 million years, there were no French fries, cupcakes, or ice cream available. To this day, indigenous people and others who eat a natural diet devoid of added salt, sugar, and fat get pleasure from their food, but they rarely if ever eat to the point of obesity.

Health Is Undermined by Our Unnatural Diet

Today's typical diet, however, is unprecedented in human history. Rich, high-calorie foods may have been available in centuries past to the royal and powerful (who were afflicted with modern diseases), but they were beyond the reach of most people. Only in the past 100 years or so have entire populations had unlimited access to meat, cookies, pizza, chips, and other fatty, sugary, salty foods.

Our bodies simply cannot handle these foods; they overwhelm our finely tuned genetic program. It's like watering your houseplants with a fire hose rather than a watering can that delivers optimal amounts of water! No wonder two-thirds of Americans are overweight, one third of them are obese, and millions upon millions of us suffer with horrific health problems.

You may blame yourself if you're overweight, but the truth is, you're simply following your genetic dictates. The problem isn't how much you eat; it's what you eat. We're not fat and unhealthy because we lack the discipline to keep our calories at a certain level. We have these problems because we're eating foods that the human body isn't designed to eat.  

I'm not saying that personal discipline plays no role in making food choices. It most certainly does. However, my newfound ability to eat right does not stem solely from old-fashioned willpower. If it did, I wouldn't have wound up in such bad shape in the first place.

Jumpstart Your Journey to Health

I have never felt as confident about my current and future health as I do at this time. I'm back on track, and I'm convinced that I will stay on track for the rest of my life. In fact, I'm so enthusiastic about fasting as a medical therapy that we've started a fasting program at the Whitaker Wellness Institute.

We now encourage patients who are struggling with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and other problems to jumpstart their one- to three-week Back to Health program at the clinic by fasting for three to seven days. They can then transition to our mini-fast with exercise program or simply adopt a healthy diet.

Although fasting is quite safe, physicians who condemn it as dangerous are simply biased and uneducated. It's much easier to do in a supportive setting such as TrueNorth or Whitaker Wellness. And I certainly wouldn't recommend that anyone who has a serious health problem or is taking prescription drugs undergo fasting without medical supervision.

That said, the "rules" are few and simple. Fasters need to drink a lot of water (eight or more eight-ounce glasses of water every day), relax and take it easy (walking is fine but no vigorous exercise), and avoid distractions that make the process more difficult (grocery shopping, cooking, etc.). Drugs should be stopped only by a physician. Fasts should be gently broken with fresh vegetable and fruit juices, followed by the gradual addition of whole, natural, unprocessed foods, which I guarantee you'll enjoy even if you never have before.

Do yourself a favor and seriously explore this safe, simple, proven therapy. Fasting can launch you into a healthier lifestyle and make your journey back to health easier, quicker, and more pleasant than you could ever imagine.


Fasting is best done in a medical setting. If you are taking prescription medications, have a serious health problem, or need to fast for a prolonged period, you should undergo this therapy only under medical supervision.

To learn more about TrueNorth Health Center, which specializes in short and prolonged fasts, call (707) 586-5555 or visit You'll find a wealth of information on fasting on this Web site, and you can also order Dr. Goldhamer's book, The Pleasure Trap, which I highly recommend.

For information on the fasting program at the Whitaker Wellness Institute, call (800) 488-1500.


Davidson JK. Clinical Diabetes Mellitus, a Problem-Oriented Approach. New York, NY: Thieme; 2000.

Goldhamer AC, et al. The Pleasure Trap. Summertown, TN: Healthy Living Publications; 2003.

Goldhamer AC, et al. Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of borderline hypertension. J Altern Complement Med. 2002;8(5):643,650.

McCarty MF. A preliminary fast may potentiate response to a subsequent low-salt, low-fat vegan diet in the management of hypertension, fasting as a strategy for breaking metabolic vicious cycles. Med Hypotheses. 2003;60(5):624,633.

Julian Whitaker, MD

Julian Whitaker, MD, America's Wellness Doctor, is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Emory University Medical School. In 1979, he opened the Whitaker Wellness Institute, which has treated more than 45,000 patients and is the largest alternative medicine clinic in the country. The author of the popular monthly newsletter Health & Healing, as well as numerous books, including Shed 10 Years in 10 Weeks, Reversing Diabetes, and Reversing Heart Disease, Dr. Whitaker is a vocal proponent of freedom of choice in the medical arena and founder of the nonprofit Freedom of Health Foundation. For more about Dr. Whitaker and his natural approach to health and well-being, visit and

Health & Healing Newsletter

Dr. Julian Whitaker's Health & Healing is an eight-page monthly newsletter dedicated to alternative health and nonconventional therapies.

Headaches: Evaluation and Treatment

Submitted on June 20, 2010 - 2:06pm

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2010 issue of Health Science magazine.

The occasional headache is a common problem experienced by many people in the United States. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), as many as 45 million Americans have chronic severe headaches that result in more than 8 million visits to doctors every year.

For 26 years, the doctors at the TrueNorth Health Center have successfully treated headaches with a combination of medicine, physiotherapy, diet and lifestyle modification, and water-only fasting. Our approach accounts for the many triggers and causes of headaches when treating a patient.

What causes a headache?
When you get a headache, several areas can hurt, including a network of nerves that extends over the scalp; certain nerves in the face, mouth, and throat; the muscles of the head; and blood vessels found along the surface and at the base of the brain that contain delicate nerve fibers.  Lacking pain-sensitive nerve fibers, the brain itself does not hurt.

When nociceptors (the ends of the pain-sensitive nerves) are stimulated by stress, muscular tension, dilated blood vessels, and other headache triggers, they send a message to the brain via chemicals that transmit pain-related information, including endorphins, natural painkilling proteins. Research suggests that some people may be more susceptible to severe headaches, or other chronic pain, because they have lower levels of endorphins than people who are generally pain-free.

Doctors classify headaches by their cause. Primary headaches have no underlying illness, whereas secondary headaches are caused by other illnesses, trauma, or brain disorders.

Primary headaches account for more than 90 percent of headaches, and their causes include: tension (muscular contraction), vascular (migraine), and cluster headaches not caused by other underlying medical conditions.

Common headache triggers include certain foods, stress, weather changes, and sometimes medication.  The use of and the withdrawal from drugs utilized to control high blood pressure, treat ulcers, control seizures, relieve pain, and birth control pills have been known to cause headaches. 

Our approach to treatment
At the TrueNorth Health Center we take a team approach to the assessment and treatment of patients who have problems with chronic headaches.

The first step in our evaluation process involves a comprehensive review of medical history, current symptoms and medication use, etc., followed by a phone consultation with me. I assess your situation to determine if you are a good candidate for the TrueNorth Health program.

Perhaps the most powerful tool in overcoming severe headaches is the use of medically supervised water-only fasting. Fasting helps the body and brain to recalibrate itself and in the process eliminate many of the contributing causes of chronic headache.  As the director of our fasting program, I have supervised the fasts of over 7,000 individuals during the past 26 years. Fasting periods range from 5 to 40 days and the total duration of care ranges from one week to two months.

Once at our center, one of our medical doctors will review your medical history, perform a physical examination, order or review laboratory tests and imaging studies, and evaluate any use of medications, herbs, supplements etc.  The medical doctors at TrueNorth Health are experienced in helping individuals safely withdraw from the medications that are often a major part of the ongoing problem with chronic headache.

Other members of our team who may be involved include Erwin Linzner, D.C., who utilizes numerous physiotherapy techniques including the Graston Technique, which is a form of instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy designed to release adhesions in soft tissue that result from neck injuries including car accidents, etc., which can contribute to chronic headache.  We also offer functional movement assessments with Alec Isabeau, D.C., who looks at the body's overall integration and offers specific exercise interventions designed to restore optimum function. We may also recommend the use of various forms of body work including massage.

The dietary approach recommended includes avoiding the common triggers for headaches including alcohol, animal foods including dairy products, added oil, salt and sugar and, if indicated, soy, wheat and corn products. 

We have found this team approach integrating appropriate medical management, chiropractic intervention, soft-tissue therapies, exercise, sleep and medically supervised fasting followed by a health promoting vegan diet to be successful in helping individuals overcome chronic headache.  To find out if our approach is right for you,  complete our admissions forms and call us at 707-586-5555 for a consultation.


Easily Share Our Fasting Research with Scribd

Submitted on June 8, 2010 - 1:44pm

I just posted all of our articles available in pdf format to scribd, where you can easily download, share, and print our information on fasting and health.

First, go to one of our pdf articles:

You can read the article (fullscreen too!), download it, print it, or easily share with friends.

Scribd makes it simple to share on social networks like twitter or facebook, embed the article for sharing on your blog, or email the article to others.


Health Quote of the Week: Definition of Fasting

Submitted on June 7, 2010 - 12:33pm

Fast is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word, faest, which means "firm" or "fixed." The practice of going without food at certain times was called fasting, from the Anglo-Saxon, faesten, to hold oneself from food. Like most English words, the word fasting has more than one meaning. Thus, the dictionary defines fasting as "abstinence from food, partial or total, or from proscribed kinds of foods." In most religious fasts abstinence from proscribed foods is all that is meant. We may define it thus: Fasting--is abstention, entirely or in part, and for longer or shorter periods of time, from food and drink or from food alone.

From Dr. Herbert Shelton's The Hygienic System Vol. III: Fasting and Sun Bathing