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You may read our selection of articles written by TrueNorth Health staff below. 

Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications

This article originally appeared in Cell Metabolism 19, February 4, 2014 Authors: Valter D. Longo and Mark P. Mattson Abstract: Fasting has been practiced for millennia, but, only recently, studies have shed light on its role in adaptive cellular responses that reduce oxidative damage and inflammation, optimize energy metabolism, and bolster… read more

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss A form of calorie restriction, intermittent fasting may help you lose those extra pounds. By Jennifer Marano, D.C. For many people, following a whole-food, plant-based diet is the key to maintaining optimum weight and health. However, for some of us, strictly adhering to a health-promoting diet as well as… read more

Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications

This article originally appeared in the journal Cell Metabolism 19, February 4, 2014 Authors: Valter D. Longo and Mark P. Mattson Fasting has been practiced for millennia, but, only recently, studies have shed light on its role in adaptive cellular responses that reduce oxidative damage and inflammation, optimize energy metabolism, and bolster… read more

Jami Dulaney, MD interviews Dr. Goldhamer (podcast)

In this October 2014 audio podcast, Dr. Jami Dulaney and Dr. Alan Goldhamer discuss the benefits of water fasting to break the addiction of sugar, salt and oil as a means to transform into a lifelong nutrition plan of a plant based diet free of sugar, salt and oil. The message of this podcast is that people can take back their health and get off… read more

GQ Article: How the Terrible, Insufferable Six-Day Water Fast Made Me a New Man

The below article was featured in the November 2013 issue of GQ Magazine.   What if there were a cure-all treatment for high blood pressure, migraines, chronic pain, arthritis, and, of yeah, fatness? The catch: You'll be really, really hungry. Ben Marcus spends a long and profoundly satisfying week on a strict diet of absolutely nothing… read more

Please Help Us Learn About Fasting and Vegan Diet

Bastyr University & TrueNorth Health   “Fasting and Alternatives to Standard Therapeutics (FAST): Determining the Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms Responsible for Adult Hypertension and Obesity”   Please Help Us Learn About Fasting and Vegan Diet   Is medically supervised water-only fasting an effective treatment for High… read more

Treating Patients by Doing Nothing

Water-only Fasting: Treating Patients by Doing Nothing - Interview with Dr. Alan Goldhamer from Aron Choi on Vimeo.

Fasting is the Answer, What is the Question?

This article originally appeared in Health Science Magazine. In the world of our ancient ancestors, fasting occurred primarily by force, not by choice.  Humans would fast when resources became scarce, such as when Spring came late. The ability of humans to fast was a biological necessity born from the disproportionate use of glucose by… read more

Psychiatrist Slows Down For Fasting

Fasting is like a reboot for your system, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Dr. Walter Jacobson echoed this sentiment in what he recently wrote about his experience fasting: "Although it was a physically and emotionally draining experience, it made me consider a number of things that I hadn’t thought much about prior to my… read more

Study Suggests Routine Fasting May Affect Heart Health

Research by doctors and scientists at the Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City, UT revealed metabolic changes during fasting that could be linked to better health. The most recent study confirmed their finding from an earlier study that was published in the October 2008 Journal of Cardiology. The original study found a correlation… read more